Monday, May 20, 2013


What are YOU looking at?!
Oh, sorry, didn't mean to interrupt anything. You remember me, right?
No...! Who are you? What do you want? Daddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Whatwhatwhat? *takes look of wife in her bathing suit and stares straight ahead* Oh, it's fine, don't worry. Don't you remember amhranai? She's writing about us... or something like that. To be honest, I don't REALLY remember myself- it's been a long time since she last did that.
Basically, you're right. I write about your life, closely observing you. 
So where were you the last three months?
Oops, it's been three months? Huh, you're right. Anyway, I was here. I was just...busy with life stuff somehow. But I'm back, and that means you're back as well! 
Yeah, right. We'll see about that. Maybe we don't want to be in your story any longer?
You want to. Believe me, you want to. Especially you. 
Well..........okay, you're right. I'm dying to meet the audience again! Hey, everybody! *waves*
Daddy, you hit my eye! :'-( waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, it hurts!!
Anyway... I'll get back to my stuff now. Say hi to Kate for me - and we'll be back VERY soon. Promise. 
Alright, see ya! Byyyyyye! *waves again*

Author's Notes: So, as you can see - we're still alive. Life has been busy and I didn't get to writing a lot. To be honest, I didn't want to get to writing, either. Sitting down for a few hours, writing about Kate and her family, didn't look too promising to me, which is why you had to wait until now to see something new. It's not yet a complete chapter, but it's a good start. And a new chapter will follow, I promise. :) Hopefully you'll stay with me and the Stars!


  1. Always nice to have an update on the Stars! They're so cute!

    1. Thank you :) I have played "a little" (= a lot) ahead already and have to tell you that they get even cuter!

  2. I'm glad you're coming back! Or at least trying to. I get not wanting to write. I've been playing a lot recently and haven't wanted to write at all. Sigh. I do hope you get over it, but if you don't I hope you'll hang around on our blogs anyway!

    I'm going to force myself out of this writer's block, dang it, because I've proceeded too far with the Samples not to finish them and blog all their generations.

    1. I'm glad you came back, too! Not wanting to write is one of the worst things that can happen when playing a legacy and technically wanting to share it with other sim-freaks, like we are. But it seems like there is still hope for us ;) Now that I started this legacy, I would never stop in the middle of the first generation! I do want to get on with the story.

      And yes, you HAVE come so far with the Samples that you should not let them down. ;) Especially since we need to know what happens next. And after that. And after that. Of course, if you decide to stop at some point, nobody will be mad, but we would all miss them terribly.
